Powers Vol. 2 #10

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Publisher: Marvel Icon Critic Reviews: 1
6.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Apr 21, 2005

    While it's not really important to the actual story, and Brian Michael Bendis makes it clear in the letter page that his script didn't call for it, I have to say the wardrobe malfunction that occurs in this issue was one of those little touches that helped to add an extra level of credibility to this series. I understand the reasons why it doesn't happen in the Marvel and DC universe, but it does add that extra level of humiliation to the villain's defeat, and it also makes sense that given the sheer intensity of the conflict something like this could occur. The art also amazingly captures the idea that such a battle would be extremely messy, as the action strays into the homes of innocent bystanders, and all the windows on the block are blown out by the big attack that ends the fight. The panel design elements that are employed during the questioning session also helped make the sequence visually engaging, and the art also does a lovely job on the final page as Deena's attacker get Read Full Review

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