Mike Avon Oeming's fondness for blank spaces and big panels is a little disappointing at times, as I can't help but get the sense that he could've fit a couple more panels on the page, and truth be told there are moments where the unused space doesn't really seem to be doing anything but ease his workload. I'm not a professional artist, and as such my thoughts on panel layouts might be misguided, but unless one is trying to create a sense of isolation, or playing up the oppressive nature of a setting, then the artist really doesn't look to have any reason not to make full use of the page. Still there are some undeniably powerful images in this issue, from the panel where we get a look at the sorry state of the Joke's body, to the wonderfully busy double page establishing shot of the police station. The one page splash where the true villain greets the police gathered outside was also impressive. Read Full Review