Jessica has her hands full dealing with the disappearance of Mattie Franklin. Will Jessica and J. Jonah Jameson be able to collaborate on this case? Scott and Jessica take the next step in their relationship. Guest-starring the always-enigmatic Madame Web!
The search for Mattie Franklin is doing a pretty solid job of drawing upon the scant bits of continuity that were established during the character's monthly title. We get a nice visit with J. Jonah Jameson who uses the situation to advance his crusade against costumed vigilantes, but the book also makes it clear Jameson is deeply concerned, and his outrage is largely designed to browbeat Jessica into taking on the case. We also get a visit from Madame Web, and I have to give Brian Michael Bendis full marks for the way he detailed how her powers work, as the explanation offered up in this issue is easily the best I've ever heard it describes. This visit with Madame Web also served to add some much needed tension into this current mystery, as we see Jessica's future sounds quite dire. We also get a little peek at Jessica's past, as Madame Web manages to strike a very raw nerve when she makes mention of an event from Jessica's past. Read Full Review