Two things are clear to me after reading this issue. One is that Punisher is suited to done-in-one stories in a way few characters are. The other is that Marvel needs to keep Aaron's name on speed dial for when they need to fill gaps. Aaron has worked some storytelling magic on several characters since coming to Marvel, but I think this Christmas special may be his best effort yet. Read Full Review
Once again, Jason Aaron delivers exactly what you'd want and gives you more than you bargained for. If you want to delight and or/offend your loved ones during this holiday season, "Punisher Max X-Mas Special" might make the perfect stocking stuffer. Read Full Review
Overall, the action of this book was the only thing keeping me going. As an old Punisher fan, I appreciate the violence and can see where Aaron was coming from when writing this X-Mas Special. If you've got the extra dough this holiday Wednesday then treat yourself to this bloody tale, or pick it up to introduce a friend to Frank Castle. Read Full Review