Starr the Slayer #1
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Starr the Slayer #1

Writer: Daniel Way Artist: Richard Corben Publisher: Marvel Max Release Date: September 2, 2009 Critic Reviews: 2
5.3Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

You want barbarian action? You got it! Nomad. Slave. Warrior. King. All of these describe the man known today as Starr the Slayer. But before he was any of those, he was simply an idea floating around in the head of Len Carson, a pulp novelist with ambitions of literary greatness. His dreams dashed and his career on the skids, Carson makes the fateful decision to revisit his most famous creation. But what he never expected was for his creation to revisit himin person! Let the smashing and slicing commence! Explicit Content $3.99

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Sacks/Paul Brian McCoy Sep 1, 2009

    Jason Sacks: I've read a good amount of newuniversal comics, but missed that one. I'll have to check it out. Read Full Review

  • 4.6
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Sep 2, 2009

    In discussing this book, Corben has revealed that he, Way, and editor Axel Alonso constructed the story in the "Mighty Marvel Manner", which essentially means that Way constructed a basic outline, Corben drew the issue, and then Way filled in the dialogue afterward. This certainly isn't a common approach anymore, and for good reason. Perhaps in a misguided attempt to make the writing stand out in this art-centric comic, Way has needlessly burdened the script with unusual narration and pointless homoerotic humor. It would have been better for all involved if Corben's art had been left to carry the day on its own. What worked perfectly well as a short, dozen-page story is not working as a longer mini-series. Read Full Review

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