D4VE #1
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D4VE #1

Writer: Ryan Ferrier Artist: Valentin Roman Publisher: Monkeybrain Comics Release Date: November 20, 2013 Cover Price: $0.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 2
8.0Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

Mid-life. Crisis. D4VE, the defense-bot-turned-desk-slave, withers away at a soul-sucking day job, quitely dreaming of his monster-punching past. Unbeknownst to him-yet-new alien presence lands on Earth.

  • 10
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Nov 12, 2013

    I haven't laughed at a comic so hard since Buddy Cops and that was a great one-shot. I'm definitely looking forward to more of D4VE and will be picking up a digital copy upon its release later this month. The creative team has done a fantastic job creating a world that is funny and yet realistic and yes that's weird to say when it's all about androids. That's why it's brilliant. D4ve comes across as a real dude and the world he lives in is a shadow of our own. Don't miss out on this series you're only hurting yourself if you do. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    TheCultDen - Reece Morris-Jones Feb 6, 2014

    All of this though wouldn't work without the art of Valentin Ramon. Quite how I've never heard of him before I have no idea, because his artwork and colouring is incredible, effortlessly switching between the downfall of empires to the drab layouts of an office space. That a two man team can put out one of the best comics around at the moment is mind boggling and means that D4VE #1 is the top of my list of best comics of the past year. Read Full Review

  • 8.9
    Multiversity Comics - David Henderson Nov 21, 2013

    Overall, this was an excellent start for “D4VE” and really showcases what these two talents can do and where they can go with such a deceptively simple idea. While this was mostly set up, alluding to a grander plot to come, Ferrier's wit on display and the depth of the world-building thanks to Ramon's art. This is just yet more proof that thanks to Monkeybrain you really do get more for less. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics: The Gathering - mahargen Jun 6, 2014

    The overall arc of the story is confined to five issues, giving us just enough time to get to know the characters and become invested in where their artificial lives take them. The brevity doesn't leave much time for exposition, so the story beats are quick, if a little rushed at times. Ramon's art falls very much in line with the story. The robot characters are equal parts fluid human and stiff machine, an interesting juxtaposition that could have easily wrecked the overall effect the book. The muted color palettes help bring the sterile future to life. The designs of the future are very logical extensions of current technology and make the aesthetic believable. Ramon was firing on all cylinders here. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    All-Comic - Dan Pennacchia Nov 21, 2013

    Ramon, also, has a lot of inconsistencies in his art. D4VE and some other characters look well thought out. Other one-panel characters come off as rushed and quite often the backgrounds of panels drop out entirely. For the many great moments that show promise, D4VE #1 has almost as many that dont quite work. Ferrier has a good sense of writing the characters voice and Ramon show a lot of potential. If the two creators can even the book out a bit more, D4VE is likely to be a really strong series. Read Full Review

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