In The End: Never underestimate the power of a monkey on a comic book cover. During the sixties it was like printing money apparently. Seriously, though, this is a really fun comic. Dan Slott has created a somewhat absurd but affable hero surrounded by a world full of crazy. This is a really solid comic with humor and a boat load of action. James Fry and Andrew Pepoy's art makes the whole thing go down smooth and while their style is cartoony, it also has a lot of detail and power to it. If you're a fan of over-the-top super-hero fun or big gorillas then this is definitely the comic for you. Read Full Review
I would certainly buy this for my kids, and I would certainly watch it if they made a cartoon out of it, and I would buy a CD-based version of the comic, and I might buy the TPB if/when one becomes available, but I dont think I would buy this title for myself. Thats not to say its not a well-written and illustrated comic, but Ive got a pretty specific palette for my comic-buying dollars. Read Full Review