Ruu Kurokiya, a Kuro Gyaru, is on her way to flunking high school. Her childhood friend, Straight-A student Tadao Tadashi volunteers as private tutor to avert her reckless path-but Ruu's more focused on seducing him than learning, and their study sessions soon go wildly astray! When a "Gyaru's Pride" clashes with Tadao's "Take-it-Serious" attitude, who knows what will happen next! An unexpected rom-com so pure you can't help but cheer it on!
Overall, Kurokiya-san Wants to Lead Him Around by the Nose is an inoffensive entry in what's becoming a popular premise. These two volumes were enough to get a sense of what it wants to be and if that's your thing, you'll love it, but for me, it's subpar in too many ways to want to carry on or to easily recommend it. Read Full Review
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