ZIM and Dib are sling-shotted to a horrifying future where the earth is ruled by... ZIM? Yes, Emperor ZIM is triumphant, and humanity bows before his greatness. But Invader ZIM decides his future self is a huge ungrateful jerk, and now ZIM must go to war against himself!
Again, this issue was wonderful and I highly recommend it. I would just pay very close attention to reviews (mine or otherwise) before picking up later issues. Read Full Review
I don't want to say that this issue “turned things around”, because it's not like the Zim book was heading in the wrong direction or anything. It's more like this issue livened things up and that's always welcome. Read Full Review
A lot of fun, well-written, and definitely has fun with the mechanics and paradoxes of time travel. Another entertaining addition to the "Invader ZIM" comics. Read Full Review