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The Wannabes #1

Writer: Nathan Patton Artist: John Ruiz Publisher: Ronin Studios Critic Reviews: 3
7.0Critic Rating
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  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Mike Storniolo Sep 4, 2005

    The Wannabes entertained me enough for my money, and has me happy enough to check out the second issue. A nice, relaxing story mixed with some talented art puts together a good comic read. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dominic Organ Sep 4, 2005

    Now this review may seem rather short and the reason for that is we actually discover very little about the characters themselves in this issue, and this detracts from the overall experience. I have no idea of the little aliens name. We never get a real introduction to the major players and powers are pretty poorly defined. Basically, the story is riding on the novel artwork (which does have it weaknesses), hilarious dialogue and strong story while sacrificing certain other aspects that would polish up the overall effect. Does this ruin it? Not at all. There is still plenty here to get excited about, and the series has plenty of potential. I defy anyone to buy the issue and not want more. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kelvin Green Sep 4, 2005

    This is actually one of the better first issues Ive read in a while; the premise and setting is clearly defined, and we get just about enough of an insight into the main characters personalities to be able to follow them. Theres room for improvement, certainly, but theres more than enough here to grab a readers interest. Read Full Review

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