Nonstop Title! Pete Miller has just gotten out of his two-year relationship, reeling from the chaos of it all without friends or family around. As he moves into his new awful, one-bedroom apartment Pete attempts to take his own life, but is stopped by a benevolent ghost. Moved by the kindness of this supernatural stranger, Pete sets out to bond with this ghost at all costs-but he quickly learns he doesn't understand the paranormal or their intentions.
DEADFELLOWS #1 is an oddly quirky and ultimately amusing horror comedy about a living loser butting heads with his dead roommates. The scripts charm is enhanced by the complementary artwork, and the ending promises more fun in the next issue. That said, the first half takes a little too long to get going, so dont give up on it until after the midpoint. Read Full Review
And wtf is a great way to describe Deadfellows #1. There's a twisted aspect to it that'll leave you wanting to laugh but not sure if you should. Read Full Review
'Deadfellows' is a black comedy with a lot of potential given the charming characters introduced in the debut. The underlying suicide setup is a risky choice that will deter some readers. Overall, the conflict between Pete and the ghosts could deliver more comedic moments and perhaps turn his depression around. Read Full Review
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