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Fwendly Fwuit: Winter Wonders #1

Publisher: Self-Published Release Date: June 22, 2016 Critic Reviews: 7
7.2Critic Rating
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  • 8.5
    CourtOfNerds - Jon Calvaruso Aug 4, 2016

    Sometimes in life you just need a cartoon or an ice cream cone or to swing on a swing and in this case, a Fwendly Fwuit adventure to take your mind off things and remember the good in the world. So, if you have little ones or just feel like being a kid for a while check out this book. I give it the CoN approval! Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    FanboyNation - Anthony Ray Bench Jun 23, 2016

    There's some great stuff here for young readers and parents of young kids, but not much for anybody else; still, Fwendly Fwuit Winter Wonders has a fantastic art style that's aesthetically pleasing and adorable. I'd recommend it as a gateway comic book for the kindergarten crowd, and I think it'd have great success if it took a more educational approach. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    ComicWow!TV - Huck Talwar Oct 24, 2016

    This is a really cute all-ages story. It's a little hard to read because of the way the characters talk, but you get used to it about halfway through the book. Aesthetically, Lam doesn't let us down. There is always something exciting to look at, which holds our attention really well. There's a lot of movement in this issue, which keeps the story progressing at a steady, comfortable pace. For anyone who wants a good, fun, lighthearted read, look no further.The comic is available to buy from illustrator Lam's shop HERE! Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    ComicWow!TV - Bhavna Bakshi Jun 21, 2016

    This is a really cute all-ages story. It's a little hard to read because of the way the characters talk, but you get used to it about halfway through the book. Aesthetically, Lam doesn't let us down. There is always something exciting to look at, which holds our attention really well. There's a lot of movement in this issue, which keeps the story progressing at a steady, comfortable pace. For anyone who wants a good, fun, lighthearted read, look no further. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Hyper Geeky - ClumsyG Aug 15, 2016

    Fwendly Fwuits makes heroes out of nature's candy, and while adults might not clamor for this sort of thing, children could be discovering their new favorite comic. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Doom Rocket - Stefania Rudd Aug 8, 2016

    Fwendly Fwuit: Winter Wonders is a good book for those 10 years and younger, but I don't think it's something an adult would casually pick up and read without finding it too child-like. But, to be fair, it isn't really meant for you, Pops. It's a unique book coming from an independent publisher, one thatprovides a certain sweetness and heart that should be featured in comic book for children. And I can certainly appreciate that. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Jul 12, 2016

    Depending on what Mickey Lam wants to do with the story I don't see much reason for me to continue checking the franchise out. This first book is a roadmap of what to expect, adventure, some danger, everything turns out well in the end. That might catch a few bright young eyes, but for a jaded comic reviewer like myself, I need a bit more to continue reading. For what it is and for what it's trying to accomplish it manages to do be successful. Read Full Review

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