Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor: Year Three #11

Writer: Nick Abadzis Artist: Leandro Casco, Triona Farrell Publisher: Titan Books Release Date: October 25, 2017 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 1
7.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

A relic from the Time War causes complications for the Eleventh Doctor, when he believes that he has found a remnant of his people... But disappointment turns to anger when he discovers what this remnant has done!

  • 7.0
    Geekery Magazine - Monica Archer Oct 26, 2017

    In conclusion, if you really liked Eleven for the shows interesting cast or his more developed emotional connections with the people in his life, and were hoping for expansion on him as a person or any of the people close to him, as I was, this comic probably isnt for you. If you enjoyed the rest of the comics or Eleven isnt usually your favorite, you might actually like the way he is written in this, because hes a bit closer to the normal Doctors than he is in the show. Read Full Review

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