Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor: Year Two #12

Writer: Nick Abadzis Artist: Giorgia Sposito Publisher: Titan Books Release Date: July 13, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 1
6.7Critic Rating
9.0User Rating

Anubis is back, and the Doctor, Gabby, and Cindy are nowhere near ready for what this ancient being is about to throw at them! With the universe fraying at the seams, Anubis propels the TARDIS team on a trip into the deep, deep past, when the laws of reality were still new!

  • 8.0
    The Fandom Post - Josh Begley Jul 13, 2016

    Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #2.12 closes one of the strongest two-parters I've read by Nick Abadzis. I've had problems with previous issues, but these last two are great. The story was compact with no wasted moments, and the emotional stakes for everyone involved felt real and immediately engaging. Doctor Who is best when it focuses on the Companion, and this issue proves that. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Newsarama - Justin Partridge Jul 18, 2016

    To quote another incarnation of the Doctor, sometimes winning is no fun at all, and this month the Doctor, Gabby, and Cindy all learn that the hard way through great personal loss in the wake of victory. Though darker than previous issues, Doctor Who: The Tenth Doctor #2.12 isn't just grim for the sake of being grim. Writer Nick Abadzis earns this story's darkness and seems to show no plans to just hit the reset button and not allow these characters to work through their grief. Issue #2.12 may have brought our leads low this month, but presents fertile narrative ground for this creative team to till next month and in the months ahead. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Big Comic Page - Claire Stevenson Jul 14, 2016

    Its likely that the aftermath of the events of this book will spill into the books that follow. From that perspective, I would still tell followers of the series to pick this one up. For me, this is a misstep in an otherwise fantastic series with an impressive team at the helm. I dont doubt for a second that theyll turn this around asap. Read Full Review

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