Ordinary #1
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Ordinary #1

Writer: Rob Williams Artist: D'Israeli Publisher: Titan Books Release Date: May 21, 2014 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 9 User Reviews: 1
7.6Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

What if everyone woke up with superpowers - and it was the worst thing in the world? When a strange plague gives every human being on the planet special powers, it's seen as the next step in human evolution. But hope quickly turns to terror, as every war, terrorist attack, every crime, every simple street argument escalates a truly horrific point. The world is tearing itself apart - every trouble spot becomes a monstrous war zone and nuclear Armageddon looms. The plague must be cured if humankind is to survive. The key lies in the blood of the only human being who didn't get powers when the plague hit: A downtrodden, recently di more

  • 8.0
    Florida Geek Scene - Juan Navarro Jul 29, 2014

    Who'd a thunk a story about a loser, could be such a winner? THUMBS UP Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Spectrum - Adam Alamo May 27, 2014

    Writer Rob Williams took the simplest of ideas"giving everyone superpowers and making the "hero" of the story the one guy who remained ordinary"and turned it into a truly enjoyable story. It's one of those ideas that makes you think, "why didn't I think of that?" He made it interesting, funny, and original. It doesn't take itself too seriously and pokes fun at the superhero genre in a light and humorous way. Artist D'Israeli provides colorful and funky art that fits the story perfectly. After the ride that was this issue, I foresee more trouble, and fun, in the coming issues, which I will definitely be picking up! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Joe Tower May 27, 2014

    This comic book is like American Splendor for X-Men fans. Everything in Ordinary is ordinary, until you find the extraordinary in just how ordinary everything is. Even what actually is extraordinary. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Backwards Compatible - Paul Fiander May 23, 2014

    This is a great opening issue, it takes no time getting you into the story and does not infantilise the reader by needing to drown you in exposition. It seems with Ordinary D’Israeli and writer Rob Williams have created a playground for expression with a thick layer of dark humour infused into its core.  Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Jun 14, 2014

    We'll have to wait and see how this mini-series finishes, but for now it's starting strong and that's always a good sign. To use a very obvious statement, Ordinary is anything but. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Following The Nerd - Dave Bowling May 22, 2014

    The artwork is easily as good as the storytelling, in fact it takes at least two read-throughs to pick up on all the little background Easter Eggs that D'Israeli has dropped in. If anything is wrong with issue 1, it's my usual gripe about the structuring of a lot of comics in the last few years: that the book is written not as a self-contained comic with a cliffhanger leading into issue 2 but as the first few pages of a graphic novel. Nevertheless, I enjoyed the story so far and I'm looking forward to issue 2. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Fortress of Solitude - Byron Hendricks Jun 2, 2014

    Ordinary #1 is a fun read. It is nothing exceptional, but it does make for good fun. It is great to kick back and read a lighthearted story that purely aims to entertain the purchaser of the book. This is still a title for mature readers only as some of the punchlines end up being below the belt. Be warned, you might find yourself reading lines over and over because of the tiny lettering used throughout this comic! Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson May 27, 2014

    Even the familiar bits of storytelling don't torpedo the enjoyment of the story, but I am left feeling that Michael may be a little TOO much of a worthless jerk, almost reaching the level of Hollywood schlemiel that feels unrealistic. Of course, given that people all around him are transforming in bizarre ways, maybe realism isn't the point. Either way, I especially like the fact that everyone refers to the goings-on as “the end of the world” or likewise, save for one young man, who believes that he (and everyone else) is just having an origin and getting their super-powers. (He also then proceeds to call Michael “the unluckiest man on Earth” for remaining untransformed.) Ordinary #1 sets up its premise expertly, and delivers above-average art and interesting story, making me interested in seeing more of this world, and earning 3.5 out of 5 stars overall. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Meagan Damore May 23, 2014

    "Ordinary" #1 isn't quite extraordinary, but it's got more than a few chuckles in store for those who pick it up. Williams and D'Israeli have a fantastic concept on their hands; hopefully, they manage to beef up their execution before the run is out. Read Full Review

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