Torchwood #4

Writer: John Barrowman, Carol Barrowman Artist: Antonio Fuso, Pasquale Qualano Publisher: Titan Books Release Date: December 21, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 1
9.7Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

The Navigators need Jack's help to battle an alien threat from his past - but he's an ocean away and several bullet holes from being able to help them out! Gwen finds herself torn between two worlds, as Jack's quest threatens everything she holds dear - including the very core of Torchwood itself! And the Committee want the Ice Maiden and its crew (and its advanced alien technology) for their own purposes - and they'll kill anyone who gets in their way! The first arc of the ongoing Torchwood saga ends... but what a cliffhanger! We're back with more shocks and surprises - and the full creative team - for #5 in the October P! more

  • 9.7
    SciFiPulse - Raissa Devereux Dec 14, 2016

    With Torchwood: World Without End #4, John Barrowman and Carole Barrowman do an excellent job of wrapping up the first arc. Looking back, these first four issues have all been a giant exposition dump. I'm okay with that given what the Barrowmans have actually set up. I'm glad readers finally get a glimpse of the bigger picture in regards to Sir James, Lady Karina, and the Navigators. Read Full Review

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