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Titans Companion #1

Publisher: TwoMorrows Publishing Critic Reviews: 3
9.3Critic Rating
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  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - John Hays Dec 12, 2005

    The Titans Companion is a valuable tool that serves two purposes. First, it allows those unfamiliar with Titans lore to learn the rich history these fine creators have brought to the DC Universe. Second, it provides a wealth of information about each creator that even the most die-hard Titan fan may be completely unaware of. Combine these two aspects with the large assortment of donated art pieces, and you have yourself the perfect gift for any comic book fan. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Dec 12, 2005

    This volume doesnt go on to discuss yet another round of revivals over the last decade, perhaps wisely. Dan Jurgens created a new team that ultimately reiterated ties to the earliest days, followed by an 80s-style reunion by Devin Grayson, and then by the current Geoff Johns team that folds in Young Justice and a newer generation of heroes. But those can wait for a planned second volume. The fascinating history recounted diligently in this organized volume is more than enough for hours of reading about the lives of beloved characters behind the scenes. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ariel Carmona Jr. Dec 12, 2005

    It was also a practice in the early days not to return original artwork to the artists and many of the original sketches and drawings would end up in the incinerators at the publishers New York offices. It is interesting to read about the efforts made by many of the artists to recover their work, or to try and save as much as possible from the flames, never, of course, anticipating the frenzied speculation which almost bankrupted the industry in the decades to come. This book is a must read for anybody who loves super hero comics in general, and the Teen Titans in particular. Read Full Review

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