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Conan: The Phantoms Of The Black Coast #1

Publisher: Unknown Release Date: January 29, 2014 Critic Reviews: 1
7.5Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

  • 7.5
    Front Towards Gamer - Lido Jan 30, 2014

    More than anything else Conan: The Phantoms of the Black Coast is fun, it's full of enough likable characters and engagingly creative action characters to really sweep you up in the adventure of it all, which is exactly what a Conan story needs to be. It doesn't get bogged down in bad pacing or needless intricacies of geography or weak reveals or generic stagnation; it's too busy being fun and well-paced. It's also one of the only times Conan has been allowed to be smart in a comic, which really makes him more interesting and likable; he comes off as less of a blunt instrument like in People of the Black Circle or Hour of the Dragon and his aged wisdom helps keep him from feeling too angsty, like in Bryan Wood's work (also set-ups are paid off so that makes Conan: The Phantoms of the Black Coast infinitely better right there.) Overall a great adventure story that's amazingly accessible to new readers and is super fun and actually made me like Conan again; I highly recommend Conan: The Read Full Review

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