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Deadpool Max 2 #1

Publisher: Unknown Release Date: October 19, 2011 Critic Reviews: 2
3.5Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

  • 6.5
    Entertainment Fuse - Tim Vinton Oct 23, 2011

    There are a lot of complaints one can level at Deadpool Max 2 #1, but I honestly enjoyed it overall. The mature humor is mostly juvenile, but that doesn't mean it's not enjoyable. I appreciated that the book clued me into what was happening, but the exposition really does halt the book at parts. The same can be said for the priest who, while probably funny in small doses, needs to realize that we're here for Deadpool and at acertain point Lapham is just beating up on the clergy. Deadpool's old buddy Cable will be around in the next issue, which may get the story moving along, but even if it doesn't, will probably provide some laughs, so I'll look forward to that. The book is clearly not for everyone, but if you're looking to catch up with Deadpool, then this is a decent place to start. Read Full Review

  • 0.5
    A Comic Book Blog - Victor Kutsenok Oct 19, 2011

    So let's talk opinions. You would think that the writers and editors at Marvel Studios would catch a hint and either cancel this pile of turds, or change it up in some way. You would hope that after a year of terrible reviews and total lack of good writing and art that a change in creative staff would occur. You would pray, if you're a Deadpool fan, that something positive would happen to make this book tolerable. Unfortunately, you would be wrong on all fronts. This book was horrible. It was even worse than issue 12 of season one, and that was the worst book of the entire 12 issue run. Once again, we are treated to some completely non nonsensical plot filled with random outbursts by Deadpool that make no sense. The entire intro to the book was dumb beyond words. Having these two morons say Hydra over and over again is not only idiotic, but not funny. The whole monkey section was stupid and not funny. Bob and Wade's conversations were boring. The priest and his double sided speech was Read Full Review

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