Marvel Avengers Prelude #3

Writer: Christopher Yost, Eric Pearson Artist: Wellinton Alves, Agustin Padilla Publisher: Unknown Release Date: April 4, 2012 Critic Reviews: 1
8.0Critic Rating
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  • 8.0
    Outer Realm Comics - Charles Joy Apr 8, 2012

    Overall, I think this mini-series will do wonders for those of us who are very rusty on the "old" Marvel movies. Most of us are rusty enough to believe whatever they put in these pages - and those of us that aren't rusty at all, likely will not pick up this comic. Releasing a comic, tied directly to the Marvel Cinematic Universe is a brilliant move by Marvel - at the very least they will get some valuable marketing numbers out of the series. I hope people are picking this up and giving it a read. I think it is definitely worth the $2.99 price tag, and since there is only one more (for a total of four), an overall investment of $12 isn't that bad to help hold off the Avenger's cravings for a couple more weeks... Read Full Review

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