A&A's quest takes them to the snow-covered mountains of Norway, but whether or not they find the secret to restoring Armstrong's immortality, they'll definitely meet Frig -- the sensational character find of 2022! But is she friend or foe, and what's her connection to the Faraway...? There's Maw than meets the eye in this jam-packed issue!
You really can't go wrong with any book featuring Archer and Armstrong together, but when they're written well, holy shit, is that a comic that you should be reading. Archer & Armstrong Forever is a book where the characters are written really well don't miss this. Read Full Review
ARCHER & ARMSTRONG FOREVER #3 is filled with stellar art and oodles of imagination. However, the humor falls flat in several spots unless youre an A&A aficionado and get the in-joke, and references to past arcs dont make sense because there are no editors notes. Read Full Review
It's a middle-chapter with lots to showcase, but the best promises it makes are for what is coming next month. Read Full Review