From the creator of Nichijou comes a new slapstick comedy series about a penniless college student who moves to a town filled with bizarre people. This reckless girl will be the one who eventually sets the city in motion. Nagumo is in a bit of a bind. She's a college student, and like many people in her situation, is struggling with money. She is in debt and her landlord is trying to shake her down for rent. Asking her friends no longer works! They know her deal and they do not have the cash to prop her up, even temporarily. So what is she supposed to do under these circumstances? Well maybe bullying would help. Maybe petty theft? Neitmore
Hilarious, great at character-building, and just an all-around good time. Read Full Review
You should also be familiar with Arawis wonderful art style, and with the translation, which is still using Jenny McKeon, the original nichijou translator in this work. There are some bits of the translation that have been made to simplify things for English readers though. For example, the police officer is never properly named in the manga, so in the Japanese version he is called Honkan, meaning Officer; while in English, he is just Officer or sometimes Mr. Officer. There is also a difference in presentation between the two books in that CITYis printed in a slightly larger format. Read Full Review
THE CITY #1 begins a tale of hyper-violence in a dystopian city when organized crime gangs go to war. The two main characters are captivating and the pacing is solid, but this first issue lacks any setup or context and ends in the middle of a scene, so theres not much meat on this bone except an underdeveloped idea. Read Full Review
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