Fables #9

Writer: Bill Willingham Artist: Steve Leialoha, Mark Buckingham Publisher: Vertigo Release Date: January 8, 2003 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 6
10Critic Rating
7.9User Rating

As Snow White and Reynard the Fox run for their lives, Rose Red becomes a revolutionary. Trekking through woods and battling it out with lions, tigers and bears, Snow discovers that country life is even more dangerous than the big city.

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Feb 16, 2003

    This is an issue that acts to set this book into a rare group of titles where one gets the feeling that the writer has complete freedom to do whatever they want, as the only other title that has shown an equal willingness to use this freedom has be Marvel's "X-Statix". I mean for all intents an purposes this issue looked to be the final chapter of this Animal Farm arc, and if it had ended one page earlier than it did I would've been praising this book as a solid finish to a very enjoyable arc. However the final page of this issue catapults this arc to a whole new level, as the price that this victory looks to have cost is a complete shocker, and if this scene stands then I have to say that Bill Willingham will have me utterly convinced that he is willing to do anything in his pursuit of a story that will keep the readers on their toes. I mean we're only nine issues into the series, and Bill Willingham has already made it clear this book is not afraid of making big changes, and shocking Read Full Review

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