Fairest #25

Writer: Marc Andreyko Artist: Shawn McManus Publisher: Vertigo Release Date: April 2, 2014 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 2
6.5Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

OF MEN AND MICE barrels toward its epic conclusion in this penultimate chapter! The secrets of the mice/men hybrids are revealed! Cindy and the man responsible for it all return to Fabletown just in time for...chaos? Spies, intrigue, murder, and more rodents than a New York City subway tunnel!

  • 8.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Apr 8, 2014

    The uprising of the mice which ends the issue sets up next month's conclusion to the arc, but its the few panels involving the return of the Fairy Godmother's memory which adds a new wild card to both the end of this arc and the stories still left to be told. Worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Infinite Comix - Daren Taveras Apr 3, 2014

    If there is one thing to say about Fairest #25, it's that it's unpredictable. Despite having issues in story development, "Of Men and Mice" has been able to readers engaged by keeping them guessing every step of the way. This dynamic could be more appreciated if multiple questions weren't thrown at the reader at any given moment. Despite this, it has made for a unique story that is unlike anything Fairest has seen before. The threading of Fables and Fairest into one directly coinciding narrative has not been the easiest of transitions. It would greatly benefit the series to continue to treat their readers with the ideal that they have never heard of Fables before and must be given relevant information in order to understand the story. Why the creative team chose not to do that in "Of Men and Mice" is very questionable. Read Full Review

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