iZombie #16

Writer: Chris Roberson Artist: Michael Allred Publisher: Vertigo Release Date: August 3, 2011 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 3
8.5Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Gwen, Spot, and Horatio are trapped underground with a horde of zombies and unlike Gwen, these are the shambling, feast-on-the-flesh-of-the-living kind! Meanwhile, Gramps the Chimp sets out to find his lost grandson, Amon and Ellie make a startling discovery, and when The Dead Presidents arrive, things get very complicated for everyone's favorite zombie girl detective.

  • 9.0
    Entertainment Fuse - Brian Russell Aug 7, 2011

    If you areat all interested in iZombie, now is the perfect time to start reading it as themeat of the story is just now kicking in. I would definitely recommend startingwith issue #1, though, as this wacky cast of characters really deserves yourtime in getting to know them better. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    IGN - Joey Esposito Aug 3, 2011

    Allred gets to take the snippets of zombie killing action that he's been getting to enjoy and turn it up to 11 here. The issue culminates in an all-out gorefest, the likes of which haven't been seen in iZombie. I enjoyed this approach, particularly because with so many zombie books on the shelf these days, seeing a hoard of undead descending upon a crowd has lost its basic appeal. But with Roberson and Allred taking 16 issues to introduce us to the cast and the world they live in, seeing them surrounded by zombies holds a much greater weight to it. The creative team has hit just the right note that exists somewhere between hipster quirk and genuine character drama. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Dean Stell Aug 7, 2011

    This series really tantalizes with its possibilities. I LOVE the art and enjoy many of the concepts, but too often it is like trying to drink from a fire-hose with the way the story is presented. It's entirely possible this is a series that will read better in collected form. Read Full Review

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