Madame Xanadu #8

Writer: Matt Wagner Artist: Amy Reader Hadley Publisher: Vertigo Release Date: March 25, 2009 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 3
9.0Critic Rating
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  • 10
    Comic Book Bin - Andy Frisk Mar 5, 2009

    A couple of noteworthy aspects of Xanadus adventures, particularly in this issue are, one: she firmly appears to be seated in the DC Universe proper with mention of our aforementioned demon, recently appearing in Reign in Hell, a DC Universe proper series, and two: since this is the case, it marks one of the first times in recent memory that DCs Vertigo line has crossed over with DCs Universe proper line. This crossover used to be the case in previous Vertigo series Saga of The Swamp Thing and Sandman. Maybe well get to see some more of DCs mystical characters in Vertigo incarnations? The Demon and Dr. Fate both would make great Vertigo series since Vertigo is a line for mature readers, and darker tales can be told about them and their adventures. Anybody out there at DC listening? Overall, whether or not Madame Xanadu reaches the literary heights of Swamp Thing or Sandman remains to be seen, but so far its proven be off to a good start at attempting this goal. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Bin - Erika Szabo Mar 28, 2009

    As Madame Xanadu makes every effort to protect those close to her, her own innocence begins to whittle down. Xanadu is in no way the naivet sprite she was in Madame Xanadu #1. Though while her childlike face has since matured, she has not allowed bitter feelings to take over her mindset. Xanadu firmly believes that fate is not what moves us, but instead our actions. However, by keeping this issues final twist in mind, the idea of fate becomes more ambiguous. This allows us to believe that perhaps fate does exist, but not in the way that we perceive it to " that perhaps fate is not entirely out of our control, instead fate is nothing more than the consequences of our actions. And if this is the case, then perhaps Madame Xanadu and Phantom Stranger are one and the same, or rather, each are a part of a puzzle, and without one or the other the puzzle could never be whole. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jon A. Freeman Mar 2, 2009

    Madame Xanadu is nothing short of enchanting. This is certainly not the standard superhero fair to be sure. Matt Wagner's story does, however, present the dynamic sweep of what it is to act heroically in the characters of Madame Xanadu and the Phantom Stranger. Check it out! Read Full Review

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