Ex Machina Special #2

Writer: Brian K. Vaughan Artist: Chris Sprouse Publisher: Wildstorm Critic Reviews: 2
8.5Critic Rating
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  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - Dominic Davies Jun 23, 2006

    This Ex Machina Special is a welcome distraction from the main story offering both some enlightenment as to The Great Machine's history and to Mayor Hundreds feelings and experiences regarding a particular hot topic. Its packed full of everything we have come to expect in this series from cleaver dialog, killer violence, colorful characters and a strong political theme and message. Brian K Vaughan at his most consistent. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Wallace Jun 22, 2006

    Whilst the final page of the book might suggest that Phersons story isnt over yet, I hope that this more traditional super-hero nemesis remains a very minor part of the overall story that Vaughan is telling with his book. For a short story though, it provides a welcome breather from the heavy issues which dominate the core title and I wouldnt be surprised if the character did eventually make a reappearance somewhere down the line. Id be happy to see Ex Machina do more specials like this which deal with Mitchs past without slowing the present-day timeline of the regular book down to a snails pace, and I welcome any chance to get more than one issue of the title in a month, but personally, nothing can top Vaughan and Harris work on the regular title. Regular readers will find the decision whether or not to pick this up a complete no-brainer (and will likely get a lot of enjoyment out of it I know I did), and new readers might find it an easy introduction to Hundred and his Read Full Review

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