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Kane & Lynch #2

Publisher: Wildstorm Release Date: September 1, 2010 Critic Reviews: 1
6.5Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

  • 6.5
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Sep 1, 2010

    Edginton does deserve some credit for crafting a story that doesn't depend too heavily on a knowledge of the first game, even if it does still help. Edginton also captures the dynamic between the two anti-heroes pretty well. The issue isn't overtly humorous, but there are some amusing exchanges between Kane and Lynch that keep the script moving along between firefights. Christopher Mitten's art is a little more uneven. Though better than the first issue in its storytelling quality, the art is still too flat, bland, and lacking in color variety. In short, Kane and Lynch is far from the disaster many videogame comics turn out to be. In a slower week like this one, that might be enough to entice some readers. Read Full Review

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