Have your favorite celebrities been swapped and replaced with clones to help shepherd the masses? Does our government replace those willing to not cooperate with their agenda? Are you next? Find out in this issue as this “theory” is explored.
Hans Rodionoff and J.G. Miranda have the challenging task of making these less-than-threatening actions into a web of deception and secret world-domination. It's hard to convince people of a wide-ranging conspiracy when you have such bland elements to work with to prove its existence. The artwork is more than passable, but the dialogue could use a lot of work to make it sound more natural. Read Full Review
As we dive deeper into Conspiracy, it seems each issue separates the reader from the true foundation of the title, distancing the audience from an interesting premise. Instead we are left with a series which appears confused as to which direction it is trying to guide us towards, with each new element weakening the component from before, making for a narrative which is contrived in order to create a leading plot. However thanks to artistic reinforcement the reader is left with enough interest as to wonder what may happen next, and while this curiosity is fleeting, it is just enough to tease us along toward the next issue. Read Full Review