FINAL ISSUE! The action packed conclusion to the Day of the Dead series...As the Order of Tarot looks to rise to power Mystere will either become the Grimm Universes newest and most powerful hero, or her take her place in the evil Order of Tarot as the Queen of Pentacles.
Grimm Fairy Tales: Day of the Dead, began as an interesting premise for one of the under used characters within the Zenescope mythos " Mary Medina, but it has ended in disappointment. The lead up to this finale was challenging but as more story elements were introduced, the search for meaning behind Mary's powers was misplaced in order to fulfill the Order of Tarot's ambitions and thus, build a foundation for future stories. If the narrative was kept simple and focused on the immediate problem, then this title might have been acceptable; however, a watered down plot and the need for a speedy closure thanks to a clichd plot twist only results in a story which never truly blossoms, and therefore opens more unending questions within this substandard tale. Read Full Review