Van Helsing: Sword of Heaven #4

Writer: Chuck Dixon Artist: Julius Abrera Publisher: Zenescope Entertainment Release Date: February 6, 2019 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
8.4Critic Rating
6.5User Rating

Be careful what you wish for. Liesel finds the reclusive Punjabi prince she was looking for but he's not himself these days.
The unlucky raja is possessed by an evil presence more powerful than anything the legendary vampire huntress has ever encountered.
The quest for the mythic Sword of Heaven could end in a grave for the heir to the Van Helsing legacy!
Chuck Dixon and Julius Abrera continue the epic horror road trip that might be the last ride for our fearless heroine!

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Richard Gutierrez Feb 6, 2019

    Now that the main objective is finally within reach, hopefully Van Helsing: Sword of Heaven can steer itself back onto the right track instead of distracting readers with these transitional amusements. While the underlying foundation of introducing us to two sides protecting the Sword was interesting, the journey toward that goal only served to bog down what was before an intriguing story. Then add the unnecessary illumination to certain elements spoiling what could have been wondrous artwork, and we are left with an issue which had promise but falls flat due to these shortcomings. But now with all of these diversions out of the way, perhaps the title will return to what we want from a Van Helsing series and not what we are expected to tolerate to fill in for an uninteresting trip. Read Full Review

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