Hotell Vol. 1
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Hotell Vol. 1

Writer: John Lees Artist: Dakbor Talajic Publisher: AWA Trade Paperback: October 7, 2020, $9.99 Issues: 4, Issue Reviews: 56
8.9Critic Rating
9.0User Rating

You won't find it on any map, but if you happen to be driving down Route 66 late at night and you're truly desperate for shelter, sanctuary or secrecy, you might see a battered sign on the side of the road: The Pierrot Courts Hotel - where many check in but few check out.

Rating Collected Issues Reviews
Hotell #1 7
Hotell #2 6
Hotell #3 5
Hotell #4 4
  • 10
    HallowsEveCat Feb 25, 2021

    Every issue was different, with good morbid scary stories.
    I enjoyed each one and kinda wish it had continued.

  • 8.0


    Publisher: AWA @awastudiosofficial & Upshot Studios @upshotstudiosofficial
    Writer: John Lees @johnlees927
    Artist: Dalibor Talajic @talajicd
    Colorists: Lee Loughridge @leeloughridge
    Letterer: Sal Cipriano @salcipriano_art

    The Pierrot Courts Hotel, you won’t find it on any map, but if you happen to be driving down Route 66 in the dead of night and you’re truly desperate for shelter, sanctuary or secrecy, you might see the battered sign on the side of the road. Where many check in but few check out; the woman who’s unborn child urges her to do horrible things, the man who can’t get rid of his wife no matter how many times he kills her, a disgraced priest performing a exorcism on a young boy, and an investigative journalist on the trail of a serial killer last seen at the hotel years ago. These are but a few of the Pierrot Courts Hotels guests who will wish they kept on driving.
    I love horror comics, if anything that’s my favorite genera and AWA did a fantastic job with this series, interweaving and connecting each story to paint a bigger picture and add mystery to the hotel has me hoping for a continuation where we’ll learn more on the history of Pierrot Courts.

    Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (4/5)
    Reviewed by: @djflores00 of The Comic Book Club of Instagram
    Follow: @the_comic_book_club on Instagram for more reviews!

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