Female Furies Collected
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Female Furies Collected

Writer: Cecil Castellucci, Jack Kirby Artist: Adriana Melo, Jack Kirby, Mike Royer Publisher: DC Comics Trade Paperback: December 18, 2019, $16.99 Issues: 6, Issue Reviews: 172
7.7Critic Rating
1.2User Rating

All their lives the Female Furies have been raised to be the meanest, most cunning, and most ruthless fighting force on all of Apokolips. So why are Granny Goodness's girls left behind every time the men go to war? With the might of New Genesis hanging over the planet, and the Forever People making mincemeat out of Darkseid's army, Granny thinks it's about time that changed. And so, Big Barda, Aurelie, Mad Harriet, Lashina, Bernadeth, and Stompa set out to beat the boys at their own game. Little do they know the game is rigged- and one accidental killing could spell disaster for them all! Collects Female Furies #1-6, plus Jack Kirby's Mister more

  • 1.0
    Darkseid24 Jan 1, 2020

    The 1 point is solely for the great art, which is a great reminiscence of Jack Kirby’s art from the 70ies, but unfortunately the awesome art is wasted for this train wreck of a story.

    Back when I was reading the monthly issues I always had hope, that the story might improve, but my hope was crushed every month. Female Furies tries to give us a story about Darkseid‘s female elite figthers, but it already fails by not acknowledging the fact, that all Furies always were respected warriors on Apokolips. Castellucci proves in every issue, that she doesn’t know anything about the Fourth World& that she also was too lazy to do at least a tiny little bit of research about these characters. So instead of actually reading some former New God comics she is forcing her pseudo feminist agenda, (which is a big insult to feminism) on the New Gods& is unable to write at least 1 character in character.
    I can only give examples, because it would take forever to write about all mistakes. Darkseid is terribly portrayed. He is portrayed as a petty, weak sexist, who can’t get anything done. Castellucci doesn’t get his character by portraying him as a sexist, but point is for Darkseid it’s all about power. He is using everyone to gain more no matter what gender as long as it serves his purpose, but here he doesn’t, because that would mean giving women some recognition. This is just absurd. Darkseid isn’t so petty & dumb.
    This story is also one of the most sexist stories I have ever read, because every male character& when I say every I mean every is portrayed as a sexist& rapist, who always wants to rape women. Darkseid himself is raping Granny in this story, which is an insult to both characters. And while Desaad is always one of my favorite New Gods, he also acts like a total different character in this story. He of course is also a sexist in this story& while Desaad like most New Gods characters is a complicated one, he isn’t a misogynist. He himself had a woman as his protégé in former stories& just like Darkseid he is using people as long as they serve his purpose.

    I also hated the final message, which is also just sexist:

    (Spoiler: women can only be happy without men, because at the end the Furies banish all men from Apokolips& can be happy now. Spoiler ending)

    The Furies are also portrayed badly, because instead of writing a badass story with them, they are constantly portrayed as helpless little girls, who have to listen to body shaming. They also need a man to even accuse another one of rape. This is just so absurd& stupid, if you actually know at least a little bit about Apokolips.

    So overall I can recommend this story only to people, who 1.) hate & despise all men & 2.) who hate every New God character & only wish the worst upon these characters.

    Female Furies definitely is the worst comic of 2019, maybe even of the decade. It’s a waste of paper& material indeed.

  • 1.0
    Bropokalypse Jan 1, 2021


  • 1.5
    kraz4life Feb 13, 2020

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