Marvel Zombies Destroy Collected
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Marvel Zombies Destroy Collected

Writer: Peter David, Franklin Marraffino Artist: Alejandro Barrionuevo Iribarne, Mirco Pierfederici Publisher: Marvel Comics Hardcover: September 26, 2012, $24.99 Trade Paperback: March 3, 2013, $19.99 Issues: 5, Issue Reviews: 12
7.3Critic Rating
6.5User Rating

A horror from another world! In an alternate dimension in which the Third Reich won World War II by becoming the unstoppable undead, the Nazi regime plans to invade and conquer — and consume — the Marvel Universe! When government agency A.R.M.O.R. (Alternate Reality Monitoring and Operational Response) calls on the misanthropic mallard Howard the Duck to assemble a team to stop the undead Nazis, he musters a brigade of Marvel’s misfits and enlists WWII veteran Dum Dum Dugan to lead them into interdimensional battle! They’ll take on zombified versions of the Invaders, Thor and the Asgardians and even one of their own as they attempt to more

  • 6.5
    Ultimate Goblin Apr 16, 2022

    It was surprisingly not that bad as I thought. Kinda silly, kinda weird, but readable and sometimes even enjoyable. Also glad to see some old school long forgotten characters. But it's so sad, that most of them simply died here...

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