Ostin's Profile

Joined: Jan 21, 2023

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Ostin reviewed Action Comics #791 May 30, 2023

A good comic issue

Action Comics #791

By: Ben Raab, Derec Aucoin

A flashback tale set in Smallville. When young Clark tries to get an overweight girl to come to a school dance with him, bad things begin to happen.

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Ostin reviewed Detective Comics #735 Mar 3, 2023

A bad read that misrepresents the character

Detective Comics #735

By: Greg Rucka, Dan Jurgens
Released: Jun 23, 1999

"No Man's Land" part 24 and "Fruit of the Earth" part 3, continued from BATMAN #568. After battling to enter Robinson Park, Batman and Robin must fight Clayface to free the enslaved Poison Ivy and gain access to a Batcave buried deep within Ivy's paradise.

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Ostin reviewed Superman #1 Mar 3, 2023

An entertaining read that sets up possibilities for the future of this incredible character

Superman #1

By: Joshua Williamson, Jamal Campbell
Released: Feb 22, 2023

IT’S THE DAWN OF DC! Superman has returned to Metropolis and his greatest enemy Lex Luthor is finally behind bars. The future of the Superman family has never been brighter! As Clark Kent settles back into his life, iconic and new enemies erupt from the shadows to strike down the Man of Steel! But waiting in the wings to back up Big Blue is…Sup...

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Ostin added Geoff Johns to their creator watch list Jan 23, 2023
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Ostin reviewed Flash #791 Jan 23, 2023

An intriguing flash story that sets up the the one-minute war as an event that could be one of the better comics this year, assuming Dawn of the DCU doesn't pump out masterpieces. Great read and has me excited for February.

Flash #791

By: Jeremy Adams, Roger Cruz
Released: Jan 18, 2023

THE ONE-MINUTE WAR, PART TWO! The heroes are split after the alien speedsters known as the Fraction smashed into Central City, and must attempt to fend off attacks while trying to formulate a plan. But there's no time for the heroes to take a breather, as besides the speedsters, Miss Murder is also hunting the team--and she has speed hounds...

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