bibi's Profile

Joined: Aug 10, 2023

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bibi added Swan Songs (2023) to their pull list Aug 10, 2023

Swan Songs (2023)


W. MAXWELL PRINCE (ICE CREAM MAN, HAHA) continues his weird, winning one-shot formula with this all-new multi-artist project that explores the way things END...and also how they never really do.  

SWAN SONGS comprises stories about endings...The End of the World. The End of a Marriage. The End of a Se...

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bibi added X-Men: Red (2022) to their pull list Aug 10, 2023

X-Men: Red (2022)

The mutants of Arakko spent millennia scarred by war - but on what was once called Mars, they're learning to live in peace. STORM knows the red planet needs something greater than a queen. But ABIGAIL BRAND has other plans, along with an unstable VULCAN on her side and CABLE keeping his own secrets. Welcome to X-MEN...

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bibi rated Mister Miracle #1 Aug 10, 2023

Mister Miracle #1

By: Tom King, Mitch Gerads
Released: Aug 9, 2017

From the team behind THE SHERIFF OF BABYLON and the Hugo Award-nominated writer of Vision comes a unique new take on one of Jack Kirby's most beloved New Gods.
Scott Free is the greatest escape artist that ever lived. So great that he escaped Granny Goodness' gruesome orphanage and the dangers of Apokolips to travel across galaxies and set up a...

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bibi rated Human Target #1 Aug 10, 2023

Human Target #1

By: Tom King, Greg Smallwood
Released: Nov 3, 2021

Christopher Chance has made a living out of being a human target-a man hired to disguise himself as his client to invite would-be assassins to attempt his murder. He’s had a remarkable career until his latest case protecting Lex Luthor when things go sideways. An assassination attempt Chance didn’t see coming leaves him vulnerable and left tryi...

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bibi added Danger Street (2022) to their pull list Aug 10, 2023

Danger Street (2022)

Joining the Justice League is a goal for any superhero, but what happens when a quest for membership takes a sinister turn? Join Starman, Metamorpho, and Warlord as they look to prove themselves worthy by summoning and defeating Darkseid in battle. Soon they’ll learn that calling upon a New God never ends well, and their world is headed for a cri...

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bibi added Immortal X-Men (2022) to their pull list Aug 10, 2023

Immortal X-Men (2022)


The Quiet Council rules the Krakoan age, for better... or worse. Now, shaken by INFERNO and X LIVES / X DEATHS OF WOLVERINE they strive to hold together, no matter how much they want to tear each other apart. Writer Kieron Gillen (UNCANNY X-MEN, ETERNALS, The Wicked + The Divine, Die) retur...

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