a's Profile

Joined: Sep 23, 2023

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a reviewed Batman / Superman: World's Finest #1 Sep 23, 2023

oh my god? maybe some of the best artwork i've seen in a comic it's so visually stunning.the writing is also AMAZING and the way they've layouted the panels is so well done, nd this whole comic gives off classic 80s comic. esp tiny details like batman nd supermans logos at the start!! so fun. nd some of the panels were really tense nd scary. i also think they handeled the characters great and i lo more

Batman / Superman: World's Finest #1

By: Mark Waid, Dan Mora
Released: Mar 16, 2022

The Dark Knight. The Man of Steel. They are the two finest superheroes that the world has ever known...and they're together again in an epic new series from the legendary talents of Mark Waid and Dan Mora! In the not-too-distant past, Superman's powers are super-charged from a devastating chemical attack by the villain Metallo...and the only ally t...

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a added Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022) to their pull list Sep 23, 2023

Batman / Superman: World's Finest (2022)

The Dark Knight. The Man of Steel. They are the two finest superheroes that the world has ever known...and they're together again in an epic new series from the legendary talents of Mark Waid and Dan Mora! In the not-too-distant past, Superman's powers are super-charged from a devastating chemical attack by the villain Metallo...and the only ally t...

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