Club88 's Profile

Joined: Jan 07, 2015

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This comic is a perfect example of great done in one issue comic story. Great story it gives a flash back salute to Steranko and leaves a little door that could open up other stories and make us think a little about the overall Marvel universe a little. Frank Cho awesome as always great action art as well as panaramic poses, great splash page of old agents of shield. Action art lately has been poo more

Guardians of the Galaxy Annual #1

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Jason Keith
Released: Dec 10, 2014

• Most days in space aren't exactly what you'd call normal, but everything seemed to be status quo today.
• That is until a S.H.I.E.L.D. helicarrier showed up out of nowhere...IN SPACE.
• Sometimes you have to go outside your jurisdiction to take care of business, but this might be stretching it a bit.

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