Love love love! Every issue keeps up to the hype. My new favorite character! Space 👻
This issue -- THE COUNCIL OF DOOM!
When the greatest villains of the Galaxy come together with one purpose, can Space Ghost and his young allies possibly survive? The answers lie within these very pages!
Written by David (Punisher) Pepose and drawn by Dynamite superstar Jonathan Lau, issue #1 features an array of the most incredible artists...
HOLY SMOKES! what a twist in the storytelling. David Pepose has constructed these characters to perfection and it all comes together in this issue for an incredible and not totally unexpected reveal. I have been loving every issue of this series. My personal favorite series of the year!!
"Space Ghost doesn't kill!"
In this issue: A dark and shocking figure from the future emerges, presenting a new yet disturbingly familiar threat to the team. Together they must stand fast against the tide of evil that is about to be unleashed - or else Doom will sweep across the entire galaxy!
Written by award-winning scribe DAVID...
Greed and corruption flourish in the darkness between stars. With the territories of the Galactic Federation spread far and wide across the vastness of space, pirates and hijackers ransack the distant colonies with cruel disregard for the innocent scientists living within them.
Yet there is a cosmic vigilante who metes out justice througho...
Wow! Have really been enjoying this new introduction of characters before the conquest 2099 event. This Origin story of the Red Hulk 2099 was perfect. Almost like the original Stan Lee coming up with character origin storytelling. The artwork especially like absolutely stunning showing off his cosmic powers and Ross Romero's story leading up to it was a good character to develop into the red HULK more
Explorer ROSS ROMERO'S team ends up mining EGO THE LIVING PLANET! What makes Ross transform into an ALL-NEW RED HULK whose cosmic strength and hyperspace jumps are fueled by the power primordial? And is the new Red Hulk's power enough to defeat TERRAX, THE PLANET HUNTER?
Rated T+
A remote town on a remote world is devastated by the ravenous, unforgiving KNULL SET, a gang of raiders and thieves obsessed with offering all life up to the darkness. But that all changes when a stranger comes to town, a stranger from the stars who answers to his own code. THE LAST SURVIVOR OF XANDAR...the LAST NOVA. Wh...