Parker's Profile

Joined: Apr 22, 2015

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Parker added We Can Never Go Home to their pull list Apr 22, 2015

We Can Never Go Home

A well worn mixtape, a stolen convertible, a duffel bag full of cash, a fully loaded .45, and super-powers. Seventeen and on the run is the only way to see America right. Teenage outcast Duncan and popular girl Madison share a secret - they can do things other people can't. But their abilities take them down a dangerous path. After a deadly acciden...

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Parker added Descender to their pull list Apr 22, 2015


One young robot’s struggle to stay alive in a universe where all androids have been outlawed and bounty hunters lurk on every planet. A rip-roaring and heart-felt cosmic odyssey that pits humanity against machine, and world against world, to create a sprawling space opera from the creators of Trillium, Sweet Tooth, and Little Gotham.

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Parker added Rumble to their pull list Apr 22, 2015


Okay, so a scarecrow walks into a bar...and proceeds to wreak havoc across two worlds! After a long absence, Rathraq, Scarecrow Warrior God, is back-and very unhappy. Bad news for his old enemies, yes, but worse news for everybody else! JOHN ARCUDI and JAMES HARREN bring you a modern day action/adventure fantasy thriller where rundown dive bars, un...

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Parker added Birthright to their pull list Apr 22, 2015


For the Rhodes family, losing their son was the most devastating thing that could've ever occurred... but it couldn't prepare them for what happened when he returned.
Skybound's newest original series turns fantasy into reality in this EXTRA-SIZED FIRST ISSUE for just $2.99, by creator/writer JOSH WILLIAMSON (GHOSTED, NAILBITER) and art...

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