venomsymbiont's Profile

Joined: Jul 20, 2015

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venomsymbiont reviewed Letter 44 #18 Jul 20, 2015

What an excellent issue. So much happening in here from the Clarke crew turning on the alien and figuring out how to communicate with earth after the dramatic war going on down on the huge defeat by the Germans with the force field the asteroid hurling towards earth and the only hope in stopping it is seconds away from being nuked to hell...this issue equals mind blo more

Letter 44 #18

By: Charles Soule, Alberto Alburquerque
Released: Jul 15, 2015

INVASION. President Blades commits his coalition forces to a take-no-prisoners drive across Europe, in an effort to win World War Three in one decisive stroke. Up in space, the Clarke astronauts discover that Willett has jeopardized all of their lives in a last-ditch effort to warn the Earth of the asteroid currently on a collision course with the ...

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venomsymbiont added Letter 44 to their pull list Jul 20, 2015

Letter 44

There's something up there. As newly elected President Stephen Blades reads the letter left for him in the Oval Office by his predecessor, he learns this stunning secret: seven years earlier, NASA discovered an alien construction project in the asteroid belt. A crew of heroic astronauts was sent to investigate, and they're nearing the conclusion of...

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