Mateus Malaquias's Profile

Joined: Aug 07, 2015

Recent Activity

Mateus Malaquias added Constantine: The Hellblazer to their pull list Aug 7, 2015

Constantine: The Hellblazer

The dark adventures of DC's foremost occult detective continue in an all-new series as he investigates the cruelest case he's ever come across - his own dark history!

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Mateus Malaquias added Invader Zim to their pull list Aug 7, 2015

Invader Zim

ZIM and his filthy evil ways have been gone for what feels like years. But Dib KNOWS the alien menace will rear his head again, and he won't leave the house, or his 900 security monitors, until it happens. And it WILL happen. Oh, it WILL.

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