WhattheFuzz?'s Profile

Joined: Apr 26, 2016

Recent Activity

WhattheFuzz? added 4 Kids Walk Into A Bank to their pull list May 1, 2016

4 Kids Walk Into A Bank

A fun(ish) crime caper about children! Eleven-year-old Paige and her weirdo friends have a problem: a gang of ex-cons need her dad's help on a heist... the problem is those ex-cons are morons. If Paige wants to keep her dad out of trouble, she's going to have to pull off the heist herself. Like Wes Anderson remaking Reservoir Dogs, 4KWIAB...

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WhattheFuzz? added Ms. Marvel (2015) to their pull list May 1, 2016

Ms. Marvel (2015)

The internationally-beloved, butt-kicking, smack-talking, most adorable super hero makes her triumphant return. Look out world, Kamala Khan is back and officially an Avenger! Yup, the dream to end all dreams has happened for Kamala. She's toe to toe with the best of the best, but will being one of Earth's mightiest heros be everything she imagined?...

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WhattheFuzz? added Spider-Man / Deadpool to their pull list May 1, 2016

Spider-Man / Deadpool

The Webbed Wonder and the Merc with a Mouth are teaming up for their first ongoing series EVER! It's action, adventure and just a smattering of (b) romance in this episodic epic featuring the WORLD'S GREATEST SUPER HERO and the star of the WORLD'S GREATEST COMICS MAGAZINE. Talk about a REAL dynamic duo!

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WhattheFuzz? added Alexis Ziritt to their creator watch list Apr 26, 2016
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WhattheFuzz? added Matthew Rosenberg to their creator watch list Apr 26, 2016
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WhattheFuzz? added The Sheriff Of Babylon to their pull list Apr 26, 2016

The Sheriff Of Babylon

Baghdad, 2003. Florida Police officer-turned-military contractor, Chris Henry is tasked with training a new Iraqi police force. When one of his trainees ends up dead, Chris is forced to team up with Nassir, the last remaining cop in Baghdad. Pulling the strings to bring them together is the mysterious Sofia, an American-educated Iraqi who has retur...

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