Sideshot's Profile

Joined: Jul 20, 2016

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Sideshot added Spider-Man: Spider's Shadow to their pull list May 19, 2021

Spider-Man: Spider's Shadow

Peter Parker once put on an alien suit that nearly destroyed his life - but what if he'd never taken it off? Ignoring every warning, Spidey embraces the dark symbiote! Haunted by terrible nightmares and exhausted by an endless barrage of bad guys, Peter can't seem to catch a break these days. So when the Hobgo...

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Sideshot reviewed Titans #6 Jan 4, 2017

I thought it was a cool comic where Wally has to let go of his past memories, where he now has to embrace his new life and the changes that accompany it.

Titans #6

By: Dan Abnett, Brett Booth
Released: Dec 28, 2016

"THE RETURN OF WALLY WEST" part six! After making the ultimate sacrifice for his friends, Wally West finds himself lost in the Speed Force with no hope of return! Has Wally's run come to a sudden end? Don't miss the conclusion to this stunning first arc!

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Sideshot reviewed Infamous Iron Man #1 Oct 20, 2016

I did not like how this series spoils Tony's arc in Civil war 2. The concept is interesting, but Doom is a much better villan than superhero at this point. I liked the beginning pages showing us how Doom operated, solely for himself.

Infamous Iron Man #1

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev
Released: Oct 19, 2016

There is a new Iron Man in town and his name is VICTOR VON DOOM. The greatest villain of the Marvel Universe will try something new. Where Tony Stark failed, Doom will succeed. What is Doom's Master Plan?
Rated T+

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Sideshot reviewed Wonder Woman #5 Aug 25, 2016

I really liked this issue, it moved the plot along, as well as give us some hints of things to come later. I thought the art was great as well. I like seeing how Cheetah is developing as a character.

Wonder Woman #5

By: Greg Rucka, Liam Sharp
Released: Aug 24, 2016

"The Lies" part three! Steve Trevor finds himself trapped in the heart of Urzkartaga's darkness, with Wonder Woman and Cheetah the only hope of rescue for him and his men. But how far can Cheetah be trusted?

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Sideshot dropped Nightwing: Rebirth from their pull list Aug 13, 2016

Nightwing: Rebirth

He's been Robin, Batman, a spy, a ghost. Now, Dick Grayson returns to Gotham City to reclaim the life that was taken from him. But when a new evil threatens those he loves most, Nightwing faces being torn away from home once again in order to destroy the dark force once and for all. Powerhouse artist Yanick Paquette (BATMAN, SWAMP THING) joins seri...

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Sideshot dropped Hellblazer: Rebirth from their pull list Aug 13, 2016

Hellblazer: Rebirth

John Constantine's lost weekend in New York City was fun, but London's where his heart is-only a pissed-off demon and a curse on his soul stand in his way. Even Constantine's questionable ethics are pushed to the limit when he puts eight million souls on the line to get what he wants....

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Sideshot dropped New Superman from their pull list Aug 13, 2016

New Superman

"MADE IN CHINA" Chapter One: An impulsive act of heroism thrusts an arrogant young man into the limelight of Shanghai as China begins to form its own Justice League of powerful heroes. Rising from the ashes of The Final Days of Superman, award-winning writer Gene Luen Yang and on-the-rise art star Victor Bogdanovic introduce readers to Kong Kenan-t...

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Sideshot reviewed Wonder Woman #3 Jul 28, 2016

I liked this comic. I thought the characterization of Wonder Woman was some of the best so far. Although I did feel that the plot has been moving fairly slow, hopefully it will pick up soon. I liked how Rucka has set up the mystery of this arc, really hammers home how confused Diana is.

Wonder Woman #3

By: Greg Rucka, Liam Sharp
Released: Jul 27, 2016

 "THE LIES" Chapter Two: Wonder Woman must team up with one of her greatest enemies to solve a growing mystery about Themyscira as "The Lies" continues!

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Sideshot added Nightwing (2016) to their pull list Jul 28, 2016

Nightwing (2016)

"BETTER THAN BATMAN" Chapter One: Batman taught Nightwing everything he knows-but what if everything he taught him is wrong? When Dick is stuck with a new mentor who challenges everything Batman taught him, Nightwing has to shatter his concept of justice in order to fight for what he knows is right. Writer Tim Seeley (GRAYSON, BATMAN & ROBIN ETERNA...

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Sideshot added Titans (2016) to their pull list Jul 27, 2016

Titans (2016)

After an old ally returns to the team, the Titans set their sights on a dangerous enemy with the power to change reality itself! But the Titans have never faced a threat this massive before, and with so much on the line, will they be able to stand united as a team? Or will their past mistakes be their undoing?

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Sideshot added Hellblazer: Rebirth to their pull list Jul 20, 2016

Hellblazer: Rebirth

John Constantine's lost weekend in New York City was fun, but London's where his heart is-only a pissed-off demon and a curse on his soul stand in his way. Even Constantine's questionable ethics are pushed to the limit when he puts eight million souls on the line to get what he wants....

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Sideshot added New Superman to their pull list Jul 20, 2016

New Superman

"MADE IN CHINA" Chapter One: An impulsive act of heroism thrusts an arrogant young man into the limelight of Shanghai as China begins to form its own Justice League of powerful heroes. Rising from the ashes of The Final Days of Superman, award-winning writer Gene Luen Yang and on-the-rise art star Victor Bogdanovic introduce readers to Kong Kenan-t...

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Sideshot added Superman (2016) to their pull list Jul 20, 2016

Superman (2016)

"THE SON OF SUPERMAN" chapter one
The Last Son of Krypton must decide whether to help his young son use his new and rapidly increasing abilities, or hide them from the world.
THE CREATORS: The team supreme that brought fans the adventures of Damian Wayne in "Batman and Robin" returns for the adventures of Superman and his offspring.

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Sideshot added Nightwing: Rebirth to their pull list Jul 20, 2016

Nightwing: Rebirth

He's been Robin, Batman, a spy, a ghost. Now, Dick Grayson returns to Gotham City to reclaim the life that was taken from him. But when a new evil threatens those he loves most, Nightwing faces being torn away from home once again in order to destroy the dark force once and for all. Powerhouse artist Yanick Paquette (BATMAN, SWAMP THING) joins seri...

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