Kokoplex's Profile

Joined: Aug 24, 2016

Recent Activity

Kokoplex added Indoctrination to their pull list Aug 24, 2016


How do you kill an idea? Across the dusty plains of America's southwest, a deadly storm is brewing. A string of murders portend the sinister designs of an infamous terrorist to bring about the end times. Two FBI agents have heeded the signs, and only their rogue actions, aided by a potentially untrustworthy expatriate with deep ties to the terroris...

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Kokoplex added Hillbilly to their pull list Aug 24, 2016


An Appalachian Mountain fantasy epic that tells the story of Rondel. A lonely figure who wanders the wooded hills among witches and magical creatures as a folktale hero to those who dwell in this gritty dream world.

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Kokoplex added Snotgirl (2016) to their pull list Aug 24, 2016

Snotgirl (2016)

WHO IS LOTTIE PERSON? Is she a gorgeous, fun-loving social media star with a perfect life or a gross, allergy-ridden mess? Enter a world of snot, blood, and tears in this new ongoing series from New York Times Best Seller BRYAN LEE O'MALLEY (Scott Pilgrim) and dazzling newcomer LESLIE HUNG!

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Kokoplex added Black Hammer to their pull list Aug 24, 2016

Black Hammer

  A new story from the prodigious brain of Jeff Lemire (Descender), amazingly realized by Dean Ormston (The Sandman) and Dave Stewart (Hellboy)!
Once they were heroes, but that age has long since passed. Banished from existence by a multiversal crisis, the old champions of Spiral City-Abraham Slam, Golden Gail, Colonel Weird, Madame Dragonfly...

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Kokoplex added Faith to their pull list Aug 24, 2016


AN ALL-NEW ONGOING SERIES! Because you demanded it... the high-flying hero that captured the imagination of the world is back with a colossal new comics milestone!

In a city under siege by robots, aliens, monsters and even worse... celebrities, there is only one woman the people of Los Angeles can count on: the stratospheric superhero call...

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Kokoplex added 3 Floyds: Alpha King to their pull list Aug 24, 2016

3 Floyds: Alpha King

Set a long time ago in a suburb far, far away (Munster, Indiana), Brewer and CiCi are producing a home-brew so distinct that it attracts a monstrous king and his horrid minions from another dimension. Swords are unsheathed, lines are crossed, and sieges are laid for the rise of the Alpha King!

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