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Location: Mount Holly, NC Joined: Jan 02, 2014

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Word of the Nerd reviewed The Occultist #4 Jan 2, 2014

The Occultist # 4 by Tim Seeley and Mike Norton

Last Occultist issue we saw Rob, infatuated by a female witch named Luka, that loved to take risks. The Occultist is playing with forces he yet does not understand and putting himself and the world at risk. Detective Mendez had a magical accident and found out Rob might be in danger and we saw what really happened to Rob’s mentors. more

The Occultist #4

By: Tim Seeley, Mike Norton
Released: Jan 1, 2014

The Occultist has abused his power over life and death, and now he will face the consequences. He must choose the right pathand decide who his real friends areso he can confront agents from the realm of the dead that want to claim his soul!

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Word of the Nerd reviewed Twilight Zone #1 Jan 2, 2014

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Yeah, I know Rod Serling only used the phrase in about three episodes, but it’s become so synonymous with The Twilight Zone, and Are You Afraid of the Dark?, for that matter, that it feels weird not seeing the phrase in a book entitled The Twilight Zone. But that’s an issue I’ll have to deal with along with a few others concerning this book.

Twilight Zone #1

By: J. Michael Straczynski, Guiu Vilanova
Released: Jan 1, 2014

Trevor Richmond is a Wall Street investor who embezzled millions and is about to tank the economy. Again. Desperate to avoid the consequences for his actions, he goes to Expedited Services, Inc., which offers to help him disappear and enjoy a life of leisure in a new life. But what exactly is this new life, how much is freedom worth, and what happe...

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