Shawn White's Profile

Joined: Oct 22, 2016

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Shawn White reviewed Green Arrow #13 Jan 1, 2017

This is the one that finally made me drop this book. I can't stand the reinvention of Black Canary as the domestically abusive man hating millennial. I almost quit in issue 9 when after Oliver lost all of his money, was almost murdered by his sister, lost his family home, Black Canary yells at Oliver to stop feeling sorry for himself.

I also got tired of BC constantly calling Oliver dum more

Green Arrow #13

By: Ben Percy, Otto Schmidt
Released: Dec 21, 2016

"EMERALD OUTLAW" part two! Snow falls on Seattle as its mayoral race heats up with a rash of murders that implicate a deadly archer. As a city wonders what's become of its Emerald Archer, Green Arrow and Black Canary race to rule out their prime suspect: Emiko Queen.

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