spaceylacey's Profile

Joined: Apr 05, 2017

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spaceylacey added Nightwing (2016) to their pull list Apr 5, 2017

Nightwing (2016)

"BETTER THAN BATMAN" Chapter One: Batman taught Nightwing everything he knows-but what if everything he taught him is wrong? When Dick is stuck with a new mentor who challenges everything Batman taught him, Nightwing has to shatter his concept of justice in order to fight for what he knows is right. Writer Tim Seeley (GRAYSON, BATMAN & ROBIN ETERNA...

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spaceylacey added Detective Comics (2016) to their pull list Apr 5, 2017

Detective Comics (2016)

An unknown predator begins outdoing Batman, taking down dangerous threats with military precision. Its up to the Dark Knight and series costar Batwoman to rally and train the young heroes of Gotham City to end this mysterious threat!WHAT NOW: Batman and Batwoman begin training Spoiler, Red Robin and Cassandra Cain...

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spaceylacey added Midnighter And Apollo to their pull list Apr 5, 2017

Midnighter And Apollo

You wanted it? You got it-six more issues of Midnighter madness! Together again after too long apart, Midnighter and Apollo take on subway pirates in Los Angeles and demons in Opal City...but their reunion is about to take a shocking turn and send them both on an epic journey beyond all belief!

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spaceylacey added Batman (2016) to their pull list Apr 5, 2017

Batman (2016)

"I AM GOTHAM" chapter one
No one has ever stopped the Caped Crusader. Not The Joker. Not Two-Face. Not even the entire Justice League. But how does Batman confront a new hero who wants to save the city from the Dark Knight?
CAN'T MISS: Superstar artist David Finch returns to Batman alongside writer Tom King for this five-part storyline.

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spaceylacey added Super Sons (2017) to their pull list Apr 5, 2017

Super Sons (2017)

"When I grow up" part one! The sons of Batman and Superman have graduated to their own monthly comic-but if they want to survive, they're going to have to share it! Writer Peter J. Tomasi (BATMAN & ROBIN, SUPERMAN) teams with rising-star artist Jorge Jimenez (EARTH 2) to bring you the adventures of the World's Smallest. This debut issue looks at th...

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