number2111's Profile

Joined: Sep 06, 2017

Recent Activity

number2111 added Amazing Spider-Man (2015) to their pull list Sep 7, 2017

Amazing Spider-Man (2015)

Spider-Man has gone global! Parker Industries is more successful than ever, with offices in New York, Shanghai, London and San Francisco and Peter Parker is racking up the frequent flyer miles with his "bodyguard" Spider-Man in tow, of course. But success breeds enemies and a reinvigorated Zodiac have also widened their scope to threaten the whole ...

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number2111 added Venomverse to their pull list Sep 7, 2017


During a routine battle with the villainous Jack O'Lantern, Venom finds himself transported to a far-off world and learns a terrible truth - a deadly new species called the Poisons has emerged from the vastness of space, and to make matters worse, they're hunting Venoms! Trapped on the planet's surface wi...

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number2111 added Venomverse: War Stories to their pull list Sep 7, 2017

Venomverse: War Stories

• Sure, you know about some of the adventures All-New Wolverine, Gwenpool, Ghost Rider, Old Man Logan and Deadpool went on with their symbiotes, but what about the rest?!
•  Featuring a star-studded lineup of creators and characters, including...
•  ...a VENOMIZED PUNISHER story written and drawn by Declan Shalvey!
•  An...

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number2111 added Edge of Venomverse (2017) to their pull list Sep 7, 2017

Edge of Venomverse (2017)

EDGE of VENOM-VERSE starts here!
The series that sets up the epic VENOM EVENT of 2017 STARTS HERE! Each issue introduces another major Venomized character that will feed into VENOMVERSE itself! THIS ISSUE, the young mutant clone designated X-23 collides with a cryogenic tube containing a strange alien symbiote during her frenzied escape from Th...

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