Briar's Reviews's Profile

Joined: Mar 18, 2018

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Briar's Reviews rated Batgirl #52 Mar 1, 2020

Batgirl #52

By: Brenden Fletcher, Eleonora Carlini
Released: May 25, 2016

With her friends starting new lives and Burnside changing all around her, it's time for Batgirl to decide what her next adventure will be-and it just might take her around the world!

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Superman / Batman #1

By: Jeph Loeb, Ed McGuinness
Released: Aug 6, 2003

After a quick origin recap of our world's finest heroes, a new, improved Metallo has come on his birthday to attack both Metropolis and Gotham, bringing the guardians of each city together for a monumental battle! Plus, Lex Luthor assembles a mysterious super-team assigned to "help" the Man of Steel.

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Batman and Robin #10

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Patrick Gleason
Released: Jun 13, 2012

Someone calls a meeting of the ROBINS, but who and why? And will the exiled and egotistical RED HOOD answer the call?

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Briar's Reviews rated Secret Wars #0 Mar 1, 2020

Secret Wars #0

By: Hajime Isayama, Paul Renaud
Released: Apr 29, 2015

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Gotham City Sirens #5

By: Paul Dini, Guillem March
Released: Oct 28, 2009

Harley Quinn takes center stage this issue as the girls deal with the after effects of Hush's deadly manipulations over the last few months. Plus, don't miss a surprise guest-star!

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Gotham City Sirens #4

By: Paul Dini, Guillem March
Released: Sep 30, 2009

Bruce Wayne has always been considered the quintessential ladies' man. But he's never faced ladies quite like this before! Has Gotham City's playboy prince finally met his match?

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Gotham City Sirens #3

By: Scott Lobdell, Guillem March
Released: Aug 26, 2009

With their uneasy alliance in place, the sirens encounter trouble in the form of the mysteriously returned Bruce Wayne. He's dazzling, he's dangerous and he's got his sights set on Harley Quinn! Has romance sparked between these two long-time enemies or is Wayne playing a more sinister game?

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Gotham City Sirens #2

By: Paul Dini, Guillem March
Released: Jul 22, 2009

Tommy Elliott, a.k.a. the villainous mastermind known as Hush, has escaped the confines of Batman's headquarters and is wreaking havoc throughout Gotham City all under the guise of Bruce Wayne. Will the loose assemblage of Catwoman, Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn be enough to stop the madman's rampage? Or are Gotham's femmes fatales doomed to fail bef...

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Briar's Reviews reviewed Gotham City Sirens #1 Mar 18, 2018

I loved the first comic book in this series. Some of the dialogue is a little silly, but it still was a fun ride!

Gotham City Sirens #1

By: Paul Dini, Guillem March
Released: Jun 24, 2009

This all-new series features the bad girls of Gotham City! Catwoman, Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn are tired of playing by other people's rules regardless of which side of the law they're on. These tough ladies have a new agenda that's all their own, and they'll use any means necessary to pursue it. But can they get along and work as a team? And who ...

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Briar's Reviews added Paul Dini to their creator watch list Mar 18, 2018
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